Video: Dancing in the Light

There is no understating the emotional effect on a child of any age who loses their mother. I talk of us as children, because that is where our mothers placed, for better or for worse, her indelible mark upon our development as people. I am very much the better for my mother’s mark. She was a publisher, writer, and editor in a variety of settings; a lover of words. Once most of the mothering was done, she became my friend and mentor, a tough ping pong opponent, and favorite Scrabble player.

When I set out to write a song, especially one this personal, I bear in mind that there is an audience who will ultimately hear it. As I present my story in song, I am hoping there are places that the listener feels their own story activated in some positive way. Together, we seek acceptance of the absence of our loved one, and reassurance that all is well.

When the song is almost over, I completely lose my place and the words. It’s wonderful. I recover from it pretty well. I point this out as proof that this performance has not been edited in any way. I decided it didn’t spoil the take, and the hell with it. Ever onward!

Video: Company of Friends


Dear All,

Here is the second post from the video of my concert last fall. This is a wonderful song written by Danny Schmidt, a terrific singer-songwriter from Austin TX who is a friend of my daughter, Raina Rose. Singing with me are John and Cynthia Boelling. John, Cynthia and I have sung together on and off for many years now. I love singing with them, just saying. If you like this, would you please share it? Thanks, and love to all.

Video: Grampa’s Song

Back in November, 2016, I gave a concert that was a benefit for the First Unitarian Church of Portland. I hired my friend Dan Kaufman to shoot a simple video of the evening, and then cut it into segments by song. Here is the first post featuring one of these tunes.