Hold the Light Up
(written by Meredith McLeod) Bass: Mo Mack; Mandolin: Bill McClellan; Fiddle: Matt Hundley; Harmony Vocals: The Gyspy Moths, AKA Raina Rose (McClellan) and Meredith Cushing
Years ago, when my daughter Raina was in high school, one her bestest friends was Meredith Cushing. They discovered folk music together, and formed duo called the Gypsy Moths. They both wrote fabulous songs, played guitar, and sang harmony on each other’s compositions. I assisted them in making an album, which I still enjoy tremendously. I heard this song Meredith wrote more recently, and fell in love with it. Then I thought, “How cool would it be if i could coax them into singing harmony on songs of theirs?” They took to the idea surprisingly easily, and I love the result. The wonderful scat-like improvised counter-melodies are Meredith in action.